Recovering When You’re Sick

Being ill is never fun, and once you’re past the worst of it, a long recovery period can make you feel impatient and even depressed as you want to get back to life ‘as normal’ but aren’t well enough to.

Today we’re taking a look at some tips for recovery, so you can start to feel better as soon as possible.

Staying Hydrated

Hydration is important for your wellbeing at the best of times, and never more so than when you’re sick or recovering. Getting dehydrated can have unpleasant side effects, like affecting your concentration or giving you a headache and if it escalates really serious ones like confusion, vomiting and unconsciousness!

If you’re lying in a sickbed or on the couch recovering, then you’re less mobile than usual and less able to get yourself the water you need to stay hydrated. The problem’s exacerbated if you’ve been suffering a fever or an upset stomach: whether it’s sweating or vomiting and diarrhea, you’re depleting your body’s fluid supplies!

Try to keep a jug of water near you so you can keep refilling a glass through the day without lots of trips to the kitchen. And don’t just stop at water! Oral rehydration tablets replace your electrolytes too – the soluble salts dissolved in your water reserves. These help to regulate your mood, your muscle function, the fluid balance in your cells, even your heartbeat. Avoiding dehydration will stop you feeling worse than you need to, but pro-actively pursuing rehydration will help you feel better.

Allow for Rest

Try not to rush back to your usual routine as soon as you start to feel the tiniest bit better. Recovering, whether it’s from being ill, an injury or surgery, takes a lot of work. It might not be as visible as your job or a workout, but it still uses lots of energy and leaves you exhausted.

Let yourself rest for longer and you’ll recover more quickly. Rush back to work too soon, and you’ll feel worse – and use energy your body needs desperately for the healing process! The best medicine you need might just be sleep.

Eat Well

It’s not easy to maintain a healthy diet when you’re sick, but if you can – or you have help from a willing friend or family member – then you’ll see the benefits.

Plenty of fresh vegetables will give you a boost of the vitamins and minerals you need to rebuild your strength and if you have a cold, then you’ll be shocked to find a cliche is true: chicken soup really is good for you! It contains chemicals that help to reduce sinus inflammation and thin mucus.

Boosting your diet could pay dividends in getting you back on your feet faster.